Thursday 31 October 2013

#Halloween at QQ#

Celebrating Halloween on the 31st of October with creepy workmates. awoooohh!

Look! How scary they are! Yeah, Ok! Some are cute and funny! :D

Imang, is that you? lol 

Flirty Ishi Kitty ^___^ 

Seductive Vampire

Looks scary, yeah? But actually she's just tired. LOL!

Poison Ivy, spreading her poison to her students

OMG! You look like you're gonna eat me with your eyes


Vain moments of the zombies

This WITCH is out on the broom just to have a cup of coffee!!!! hi hi hi (evil laugh)...

Are you trying to scare her or what? lol

Looks like a doppelganger for me

Hello Kitty ^___^ meow!

What happened to her eyes, It's bleeding T.T

Attractive? Looks can be deceiving...